Monday, March 15, 2010

Dear Daddy

Dear Daddy,

Can't thank you enough for everything.

Thanks for the sacrifice you made for us.

Thanks for the love, care, guidance, advices you had given us.

Thanks for providing a comfortable shelter for us.

Thanks for always filling up our tummy.

Thanks for driving us around and bringing us around.

Thanks for providing us education.

Thanks for always wanting the best for us.

Thanks for all the memories and time spent together.

Thanks for your patience, tolerance and understanding.


Thanks for being our dearest, greatest, wonderful and best Daddy.

Miss you, and Love you always.

In memory of my father, who passed away on 9th March 2010.

Monday, January 11, 2010

2009, 2010 and random

2009 was fast, that's what I feel. Seems like yesterday I just joined my current firm, and the next second, I am a Senior Yr 1, already managing a few portfolios. Was really anxious at first, before taking up the role as the AIC for engagements. Always wonder how my seniors did it, and they seem to do pretty well and handle things cooly. Just have to explore and learn things, be it the hard way or the other. So far so good, for me, I think.

Things happened during 2009, major one being my father's condition. Pray for you, daddy. Love you. Have been thinking of stuff lately, scary stuff.

Second week into 2010. Almost 1/5 pass the official peak. Have thought of whether I will be staying on (which is unlikely cos I really do not enjoy the unreasonableness of some people), probably wish to explore my opportunities elsewhere, but no direction yet.

Moved into a new place, near MRT station. Hope to stay here for a little longer.

Planning for a trip to Sabah mid 2010, climbing Mt KK is part of the plan. Hopefully I will make it to the submit, though from Internet and friends reviews, it is not easy.

Planning to take the ICPAS exam this May (finally). Feel kinda exciting that I will be studying again (although only for 4 days)!

Had occasional dreams about my engagements, which is not healthy at all!! Reporting deadlines, FS, client's emails, schedules, OSM, managers blah blah blah... Boring.

Wanted to do some conso working, but I enjoy this better :p